Lesson Plan


School                           :  SMP Negeri 2 Rawalo
Lesson                          :  Bahasa Inggris
Class / Semester            :  VIII / 1
Standard Competence  : 5.     Understand the meaning of written text and simple short essay in the form of descriptive and recount related to the surrounding environment.
                                        6.     Expressing meaning in functional written text and simple short essay in the form of descriptive and recount to interact with the environment.
Basic Competence        : 5.3. Response to the meaning and step of rhetoric in simple short essay accurately, fluently and themed related to the surrounding environment in descriptive text.
                                        6.2.  Revealing the meaning and steps of rhetoric in simple short essays by using a variety of written language accurately, fluently and themed to interact with the surrounding environment in form of descriptive text.
Indicator                       : 1.     Understand the meaning of simple written text and short essay-shaped descriptive.
                                        2.     Responding to the meaning and step of rhetoric in a simple short essay in the form of descriptive.
                                        3.     Completes the incomplete short descriptive text.
                                        4.     Construct sentences into meaningful text in descriptive form.
                                        5.     Write essay text in descriptive form.
Aspect / Skill                : Reading and Writing.
Time Allocation            : 2 x 40 minutes.

I.     Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are able to :
1.        Understand the meaning of simple written text and short essay-shaped descriptive.
2.        Complete the incomplete short descriptive text.
3.        Construct sentences into meaningful text in descriptive form.
4.        Write essay text in descriptive form.

II.     Learning Materials
1.      The essay text of descriptive text.
2.      The linguistic feature of descriptive text.
3.      The communicative purpose of the descriptive text.
4.      The descriptive rhetoric step.

Definition :
       Descriptive Text is a text that describes a thing, place, animal or person specifically.
In Descriptive Text there are two parts: Introduction and Description. Introduction is the part that introduces a character, while the Description is the part that describes the character.
Description Text uses simple present tense and has a purpose to inform something to the listener.
III.     Learning Method
-        Discussion
-        Practice

IV.     Steps of Learning Activities.

Teacher greets and absent the students
Students answer the greeting and response to the absent

Teacher asks about descriptive text to the students
Students answer the question based on their knowledge

Teacher gives an example about descriptive text and read it loudly
Student read and listen to the example teacher gives.

Teacher explain about the generic structure of descriptive text
Students watch the explanation carefully

Teacher gives some example about vocabulary to describe something.
Students write down the example.

Teacher asks the students to work inpair for discussing about descriptive text.
Students work in pair and begin the discussion.

Teacher asks the students to describe their partner.
Students describe about their partner.

Teacher asks the students for describe their partnet in front of the class.
Students describe thei partner in front of the class.

Teacher ends the discussion and ask the students work individually to describe a president.
Students make a descriptive text about president.

Teacher asks the students to read it loudly in front of the class.
Students read their assignment in front of the class.

Teacher asks about the students’ difficulties on the lesson.
Students respon or asking a question about the material they get.

Teacher gives conclusion about the material he/she presented.
Students with the teacher conclude about the material.

V.     Learning Resources
2.     English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School, Artono Wardiman, dkk; Pusat Perbukuan, Jakarta, 2008;

Example of Descriptive Text :
My Cat

            I have a cat, and she lived happily with my family in my home. It is a persian cat.
My cat is a female cat. She has a long tail. She likes to lick her tail.

My cat’s fur is white and brown. So, I call her “Si Belang” because she has two colors.
Belang likes to eat fish. But sometime I also fed her tempe.                        
At the evening, when the sunset, she likes to play outside the house. She will be running, rolling, and then climbing the tree. She is so funny.

VI.     Assessment






Total x 5 = Score
